Make your nervous system your ally, not your enemy
Right now, the chaos feels close.
It feels like life is just happening to you. Something is off; it’s not like it’s supposed to be. You stopped feeling in control a while ago, and at times, it feels safer just to emotionally check out.
You come off as really capable to others but inside, you feel like things are falling apart
You’re having intrusive thoughts or flashbacks or out-of-body sensations.
You have overwhelming emotions and reactions that don’t seem to fit the situation, or you’re not feeling emotions at all
You stopped going certain places, doing certain things, and seeing friends, but you’re not entirely sure why
You feel amped up, on guard, or have unexplained nightmares or physical symptoms
When the impact of trauma sticks with you, it gets into the core of the nervous system and stays there. Unless it’s addressed, you won’t fully be the same.
You have difficulty trusting others
You have greater feelings of guilt and shame
You have developed negative beliefs about yourself
You have experienced depression and anxiety because the fear and worry increase your self-doubt
You are skimming in all of your most important relationships and your career
Your fears and beliefs about your world have changed because that’s what trauma does. It changes the way the brain works and how we see and experience the world around us, robbing our ability to feel our emotions in a safe way. By using research-backed methods like EMDR & Brainspotting, we will identify what brings instability to your life and take the sting out of it, so that your day-to-day emotions feel less charged.
You can achieve emotional recovery in a safe environment, plus….
Deepen your most important relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself
Provide you with proven strategies to help you achieve emotional balance
Achieve goals you never thought were possible
Overcome beliefs that keep you stuck in place
Calm your nervous system so that it no longer operates in a flight or fight cycle
Feel more connected with your body and experience pleasure and pain in safe ways
Trauma Therapy can help with:
Sexual Assault
Physical Abuse
Emotional Neglect & Abuse
Attachment Injuries
Persistent Violence
Childhood & Complex Trauma
Life is made up by taking one transformative step at a time.
I’m ready to take these steps with you.
Common questions about trauma therapy:
Many people refer to trauma as little t or big T trauma. This usually means that little t is more persistent, ongoing trauma (like emotional neglect, ongoing food insecurity, or living in a dangerous environment). In contrast, big T trauma is an event (like a deadly accident, life-threatening situation, or natural disaster). While these definitions can be helpful at times, it’s important to remember that while our experiences are vastly different, all pain is the same.
If you’ve experienced something that continues to impact you today, it’s an indication that what you experienced has changed how your brain is receiving and processing information in real-time, and therefore, trauma. Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t feeling the impact in a negative, ongoing way.
That’s okay! You don’t have to retell what happened; in fact, that’s not even part of the therapy unless you decide you need to. EMDR and brainspotting work by targeting memories and symptoms both. We can work together to determine what the best approach is for you based on your experiences.
Every day, we move a little bit forward, backward, or sideways. If you are stuck, that’s an indication you’re moving backward. The point is, you are, by definition, in a different place, and my approach, while true to EMDR and brainspotting protocols, is inherently different than others because no two therapists practice alike. The goal is to pick up improvements with each step. And sometimes breaks in between can be helpful. The goal is to get help. Let’s have a chat, and if I’m not a good fit, I probably know someone who would be.
Both are evidence-based, studied for decades, and proven to be effective. They are both considered Brain-based therapy techniques, sometimes referred to as “power therapies,” that work to process unresolved emotions or experiences.
Where they differ is the approach or protocol and the client’s past experiences and needs. EMDR utilizes eye movements as a form of bilateral stimulation and includes eight phases of a protocol, while Brainspotting focuses the eye on a fixed gaze position and, at times, is more flexible.
As a clinical trained in both EMDR and Brainspotting, I’ll work with you to determine the best approach based on your needs.